Twelve colours and ornamental patterns like "islimi", "girikh", wavy branches, "madokhil", and "tumari" are used
for carving. One kind of carving is the art of miniatures from lacquer. This kind of art was created on thematic
basis of artist that plied the brush. In small caskets, they developed traditional miniatures of middles ages and
enriched them with new topics.
Lacquer caskets "Farhad and Shirin" by N. Kholmatov, "Encounter"by Sh. Mukhamedjanov, "Bakhram and Dilyaram are
hunting", "Leili and Medjnun" by G. Kamolov, "Poetry", "Music" by S. Karabaev, "Tashkent - year 2000", by B.
Kudinov, "Battle of Farhad with Akhramon" by V. Lugovskogo are rare works of miniature art.